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gnoland is the blockchain client binary, which is capable of managing node working files, as well as starting the blockchain client itself.

gnoland start [flags]

Starts the Gnoland blockchain node, with accompanying setup.


chainidStringThe ID of the chain. (default: dev)
data-dirStringThe path to the node's data directory. This is an important folder. The chain may fail to start if this folder is contaminated. (default: gnoland-data)
flag-config-pathStringThe flag config file (optional).
genesisStringThe path to the genesis.json file. (default: genesis.json)
genesis-balance-fileStringInitial distribution file. (default: ~/gno/
genesis-max-vm-cyclesIntSets maximum allowed vm cycles per operation. Zero means no limit. When increasing this option, the block-max-gas must also be increased to utilize the max cycles. (default: 100000000)
genesis-remoteStringA replacement for $$REMOTES%% in genesis. (default: localhost:26657)
genesis-txs-fileStringInitial txs to replay. (default: ~/gno/
gnoroot-dirStringThe root directory of the gno repository. (default: ~/gno)
lazyBooleanFlag indication if lazy init is enabled. Generates the node secrets, configuration, and genesis.json. When set to true, you may start the chain without any initialization process, which comes in handy when developing. (default: false)
log-formatStringThe log format for the gnoland node. (default: console)
log-levelStringThe log level for the gnoland node. (default: debug)
skip-failing-genesis-txsBooleanDoesn’t panic when replaying invalid genesis txs. When starting a production-level chain, it is recommended to set this value to true to monitor and analyze failing transactions. (default: false)

gnoland secrets \<subcommand> [flags][\<arg\>…]

The gno secrets manipulation suite for managing the validator key, p2p key and validator state.


initInitializes required Gno secrets in a common directory.
verifyVerifies all Gno secrets in a common directory.
getShows all Gno secrets present in a common directory.

gnoland secrets init [flags][\<key\>]

Initializes the validator private key, the node p2p key and the validator's last sign state. If a key is provided, it initializes the specified key.

Available keys:

  • validator_key : The private key of the validator, which is different from the private key of the wallet.
  • node_id : A key used for communicating with other nodes.
  • validator_state : The current state of the validator such as the last signed block.


data-dirStringThe secrets output directory. (default: gnoland-data/secrets)
forceStringOverwrites existing secrets, if any. (default: false)
# force initialize all key
gnoland secrets init -force

Validator private key saved at gnoland-data/secrets/priv_validator_key.json
Validator last sign state saved at gnoland-data/secrets/priv_validator_state.json
Node key saved at gnoland-data/secrets/node_key.json

# force initialize a specific key type (ex: NodeKey)
gnoland secrets init node_key -force
Node key saved at gnoland-data/secrets/node_key.json

gnoland secrets verify [flags][\<key\>]

Verifies the validator private key, the node p2p key and the validator's last sign state. If a key is provided, it verifies the specified key value.

Available keys: [validator_key, node_id, validator_state]


data-dirStringThe secrets output directory. (default: gnoland-data/secrets)
# verify all keys
gnoland secrets verify
Validator Private Key at gnoland-data/secrets/priv_validator_key.json is valid
Last Validator Sign state at gnoland-data/secrets/priv_validator_state.json is valid
Node P2P key at gnoland-data/secrets/node_key.json is valid

# verify a specific key type (ex: NodeKey)
gnoland secrets verify node_key
Node P2P key at gnoland-data/secrets/node_key.json is valid

gnoland secrets get [flags][\<key\>]

Shows the validator private key, the node p2p key and the validator's last sign state. If a key is provided, it shows the specified key value.

Available keys: [validator_key, node_key, validator_state]


data-dirStringThe secrets output directory. (default: gnoland-data/secrets)
gnoland secrets get

"validator_key": {
"address": "g14j4dlsh3jzgmhezzp9v8xp7wxs4mvyskuw5ljl",
"pub_key": "gpub1pggj7ard9eg82cjtv4u52epjx56nzwgjyg9zqaqle3fdduqul4slg6zllypq9r8gj4wlfucy6qfnzmjcgqv675kxjz8jvk"
"validator_state": {
"height": 0,
"round": 0,
"step": 0
"node_id": {
"id": "g17h5t86vrztm6vuesx0xsyrg90wplj9mt9nsxng",
"p2p_address": "g17h5t86vrztm6vuesx0xsyrg90wplj9mt9nsxng@"

# will return node id info
gnoland secrets get node_id

# to get node id in cosmos
# gaiad tendermint show-node-id

# will return validator address and pub key
gnoland secrets get validator_key
# to get validator address in cosmos
# gaiad tendermint show-address

# to get validator pub key in cosmos
# gaiad tendermint show-validator

gnoland config [subcommand][flags]

The gno config manipulation suite for editing base and module configurations.


initInitializes the Gno node configuration.
setEdits the Gno node configuration.
getShows the Gno node configuration.

gnoland config init [flags]

Initializes the Gno node configuration locally with default values, which includes the base and module configurations.


config-pathStringThe path for the config.toml. (default: gnoland-data/config/config.toml)
forceBooleanOverwrites existing config.toml, if any. (default: false)
# initialize the configuration file
gnoland config init

Default configuration initialized at gnoland-data/config/config.toml

gnoland config set \<key> \<value>

Edits the Gno node configuration at the given path by setting the option specified at \<key\> to the given \<value\>.


config-pathStringThe path for the config.toml. (default: gnoland-data/config/config.toml)

The config set command replaces the complexity of manually editing the config.toml file.

gnoland config get \<key>

Shows the Gno node configuration at the given path by fetching the option specified at \<key\>.


config-pathStringthe path for the config.toml (default: gnoland-data/config/config.toml)
# check the current monkier (the displayed validator name)
gnoland config get -r moniker

# set a new moniker
gnoland config set moniker hello
Updated configuration saved at gnoland-data/config/config.toml

# confirm the moniker change
gnoland config get -r moniker