Gno RPC Endpoints
For network configurations, view the network configuration page.
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | Object | (upon success) The result object. |
error | Object | (upon failure) The error object. |
error.code | Number | The error code. |
error.message | String | The error message. | | String | The error data. |
Call with the /health
path when verifying that the node is running.
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | Object | {} |
Call with the /status
path to check the information from a node.
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | [Status Result] | The result of the node server status. |
Name | Type | Description |
node_info | Object | General information about the node. |
sync_info | Object | The sync information. |
validator_info | Object | The validator information. |
Call with the /net_info
path to check the network information from the node.
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | [NetInfo Result] | The network information. |
Name | Type | Description |
listening | Boolean | Enables listening. |
listeners | String [] | List of listeners. |
n_peers | String | Number of peers. |
peers | String [] | List of peers. |
Call with the /genesis
path to retrieve information about the Genesis block from the node.
name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | Object | The Genesis block information. |
Call with the /consensus_params path to check the consensus algorithm parameters at the specified height.
Name | Description |
height | The block height. |
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC Version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | [Consensus Params Result] | The consensus parameter information. |
Name | Type | Description |
block_height | String | The block height. |
consensus_params | Object | The parameter information. |
consensus_params.Block | Object | The block parameters. |
consensus_params.Validator | Object | The validator parameters. |
Call with the /consensus_state
to get the consensus state of the Gnoland blockchain
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | [Consensus State Response] | The consensus state information. |
Name | Type | Description |
round_state | Object | The consensus state object. |
round_state.height/round/step | String | The block height / round / step. |
round_state.start_time | String | The round start time. |
round_state.proposal_block_hash | String | The proposal block hash. |
round_state.locked_block_hash | String | The locked block hash. |
round_state.valid_block_hash | String | The valid block hash. |
round_state.height_vote_set | Object | - |
Call with the /commit
path to retrieve commit information at the specified block height.
Name | Description |
height | The block height. |
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | [Commit Result] | The commit information. |
Name | Type | Description |
signed_header | Object | The signed header object. |
canonical | Boolean | Returns commit state. |
Call with the /block
path to retrieve block information at the specified height.
Name | Description |
height | The block height. |
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | [Block Result] | The commit information. |
Name | Type | Description |
block_meta | Object | The block metadata. |
block | Object | The block information. |
Call with the /block_results
path to retrieve block processing information at the specified height.
Name | Description |
height | The block height. |
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | [Block Result] | The result object. |
Name | Type | Description |
height | Object | The block height. |
results | [Block Result Info] [] | The list of block processing results. |
Name | Type | Description |
deliver_tx | Object [] | The list of transaction results. |
deliver_tx[].ResponseBase | Object | The transaction response object. |
deliver_tx[].GasWanted | String | Maximum amount of gas to use. |
deliver_tx[].GasUsed | String | Actual gas used. |
begin_block | Object | Previous block information. |
end_block | Object | Next block information. |
Call with the /blockchain
path to retrieve information about blocks within a specified range.
Name | Description |
minHeight | The minimum block height. |
maxHeight | The maximum block height. |
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | [Blockchain Result] | The result object. |
Name | Type | Description |
last_height | String | The latest block height. |
block_meta | Object [] | The list of block metadata. |
Call with the /num_unconfirmed_txs
path to get data about unconfirmed transactions.
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | [Num Unconfirmed Txs Result] | The result object. |
Name | Type | Description |
n_txs | String | The number of transactions. |
total | String | The total number. |
total_bytes | String | Total bytes. |
txs | null | - |
Call with the /unconfirmed_txs
path to get a list of unconfirmed transactions.
Name | Description |
limit | The maximum transaction numbers to get. |
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | [Unconfirmed Txs Result] | The result object. |
Name | Type | Description |
n_txs | String | The number of transactions. |
total | String | The total number. |
total_bytes | String | Total bytes. |
txs | Object [] | A list of unconfirmed transactions. |
Call with the /validators
path to get a list of validators at a specific height.
Name | Description |
height | The block height (default: newest block). |
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | [Validators Result] | The result object. |
Name | Type | Description |
block_height | Object | The block height. |
validators | [Validator] [] | The list of validators. |
Name | Type | Description |
address | String | The address of the validator. |
pub_key | Object [] | The public key object of the validator. |
pub_key.@type | String | The type of validator's public key. |
pub_key.value | String | The value of the validator's public key. |
voting_power | String | Voting power of the validator. |
proposer_priority | String | The priority of the proposer. |
Call with the /broadcast_tx_async
path to create and broadcast a transaction without waiting for the transaction response.
Name | Description |
tx | The value of the signed transaction binary. |
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | [Transaction Result] | The result object. |
Name | Type | Description |
hash | String | The transaction hash. |
data | Object | The transaction data object. |
error | Object | The error object. |
log | String | The log information. |
Call with the /broadcast_tx_sync
path to create and broadcast a transaction, then wait for the transaction response.
Name | Description |
tx | The value of the signed transaction binary. |
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | [Transaction Result] | The result object. |
Name | Type | Description |
hash | String | The transaction hash. |
data | Object | The transaction data object. |
error | Object | The error object. |
log | String | The log information. |
Call with the /broadcast_tx_commit
path to create and broadcast a transaction, then wait for the transaction response and the commit response.
Name | Description |
tx | The value of the signed transaction binary. |
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | [Transaction Commit Result] | The result object. |
Name | Type | Description |
height | String | The height of the block when the transaction was committed. |
hash | String | The transaction hash. |
deliver_tx | Object | The delivered transaction information. |
check_tx | Object | The committed transaction information. |
Call with the /abci_info
path to get the latest information about the ABCI.
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | [ABCI Info Result] | The commit information. |
Name | Type | Description |
response | Object | The metadata of the block. |
response.ResponseBase | [ABCI Response] | The ABCI response data. |
response.ABCIVersion | String | The ABCI version. |
response.AppVersion | String | The app version. |
response.LastBlockHeight | String | The latest block height. |
response.LastBlockAppHash | String | The latest block hash. |
Name | Type | Description |
Data | String | The Base64-encoded response data. |
Error | Object | The ABCI response error object. |
Events | Object [] | The list of event objects. |
Log | String | The ABCI response log. |
Info | String | The ABCI response information. |
Call with the /abci_query
to get information via the ABCI Query.
Name | Description |
auth/accounts/{ADDRESS} | Returns the account information. |
bank/balances/{ADDRESS} | Returns the balance information about the account. |
vm/qfuncs | Returns public facing function signatures as JSON. |
vm/qfile | Returns the file bytes, or list of files if directory. |
vm/qdoc | Returns JSON of the package doc, suitable for printing. |
vm/qrender | Calls .Render(<path>) in readonly mode. |
vm/qeval | Evaluates any expression in readonly mode and returns the results. |
vm/store | (not yet supported) Fetches items from the store. |
vm/package | (not yet supported) Fetches a package's files. |
Name | Description |
path | The query path. |
data | The data from the query path. |
(optional) height | The block height (default: latest block height). |
(optional) prove | The validation status. |
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | The RPC version. |
id | String | The response ID. |
result | [ABCI Query Result] | The commit information. |
Name | Type | Description |
response | Object | The metadata of the block. |
response.ResponseBase | [ABCI Response] | The ABCI response data. |
response.Key | String | The key. |
response.Value | String | The value. |
response.Proof | String | The validation ID. |
response.Height | String | The block height. |
Name | Type | Description |
Data | String | The Base64-encoded response data. |
Error | Object | The ABCI response error object. |
Events | Object [] | The list of event objects. |
Log | String | The ABCI response log. |
Info | String | The ABCI response information. |